Missing teeth – Implants
At Morphett St Family Dental we understand how losing teeth can have a significant impact on your confidence, your smile, and the function of your mouth.
At Morphett St Family dental we understand how losing teeth can have a significant impact on your confidence, your smile, and the function of your mouth.
Dental implants provide a permanent solution to replacing missing teeth.
Why choose implants?
Why choose implants?
Feel your best.
Aesthetically and functionally, dental implants offer the closest resemblance to a natural tooth structure in comparison to other replacement options.
Dental implants act like an artificial tooth, the implant base is usually comprised of titanium and acts like the tooth root beneath the gum, a custom-made ceramic crown is fitted on top. Implants can be used to replace a single tooth or many teeth.
The Benefits of Dental Implants
The Benefits of Dental Implants
Dental Implants are a fixed replacement option, meaning that there is no concern for your new tooth (or teeth) coming out while you are talking or eating. Unlike removable options like dentures which can often become loose or ill fitting.
Cost effective
With modern techniques and technology, dental implants have a high success rate and are long lasting. Provided you maintain a good oral hygiene routine at home and keep on top of your regular dental appointments, implants last for many years. Whereas if you opt for removable options like a denture, it is highly likely you will need to replace it in a few years due to changes in the bone and gum structure.
Improved Aesthetics
At Morphett St Family Dental we take a digital approach to carefully plan your treatment, and the aesthetic outcome of the implant. This allows us to mirror the shapes, colour, and aesthetics of your neighbouring natural teeth, meaning no one will be able to tell that an implant is a false tooth.
Preserve Natural Healthy Neighbouring Teeth
Dental implants do not involve any preparation to your neighbouring teeth, unlike alternative options such as bridges where the teeth either side of the missing tooth need to be manipulated for the bridge to be fitted on top. Which in turn has the possibility to cause complications to these teeth in the future.